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The nun from St.Agnes

The story of a nobleman’s daughter who was forced into a nunnery by her father for falling in love
Info text

Once long ago, the daughter of a Czech nobleman was put into the cloister of Saint Agnes in the Old Town against her own will. Her father had done so to punish his daughter for she had fallen in love with a poor knight. The two lovers fearless of her father’s wrath and of the binding cloister walls continued to meet in the cloister gardens sheltered by the darkness of night. The day had come when the two lovers decided to flee together. The nobleman’s daughter was not in favor with the other nuns in the cloister for she was immensely troubled by the burden of her forsaken love and didn’t try enough to befriend her new sisters.

The day had come when all was to prevail whence one of the nuns discovered the true reason for her sister’s nightly endeavors. Without hesitation she ran to the young nun’s father to spread what she had learned.

He was besotted with anger and began to prepare a dreadful vengeance. The very night of the planned flight the angered father hid himself in the middle of the cloister gardens. Once the two lovers appeared the obsessed father struck his own daughter in the bosom with his sword and she breathlessly fell to the ground. Then he fell upon the dumbfounded lover and wounded him badly but failed to kill him. The father maledicted his daughter with a curse in which her soul was never to find peace until the day the cloister of Saint Agnes would fall into pieces.

From then on, the young nun has been walking the cloister archways in moan waiting to be released from her curse. She is dressed in a gray habit with a mark from the sword on her bosom. She walks around never harming a soul unlike other ghosts who reside in the cloister.


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