Prague Minos Guide

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Rotunda of St. Martin

A Romanesque shrine
Significant photo
Info text

The Romanesque rotunda of St. Martin originates in the second half of the 11th century from the time of the reign of Vratislav the Second. After completion of the Baroque fortification, the rotunda was desacralised and used as a warehouse for gunpowder. In the middle of the 19th century, because of the construction of a road between the New Town and Pankrác,

even its demolition was projected but never realized. The original purpose of the rotunda was restored back in 1875, when it was bought by the Vyšehrad Chapter, it was run down, the Chapter had it reconstructed at its own expense. A cannonball is embedded in the wall above the portal reminding us of the Prussian occupation of Prague in 1757.

GPS: 50° 3′ 49.99″ N, 14° 25′ 18.31″ E


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